KED Talk

Kunskapsskolan Sweden: the original and future in one!

Kunskapsskolan Education

Kunskapsskolan education can be found all over the world. With ties across borders and contact between educators and students alike. KED Talk wants to build on that network, by creating a number of country portraits. In earlier episodes we travelled to India, Saudi Arabia, The Netherlands, the UK and the US. But in this KED Talk we return to where is has all started: Sweden. 
Not solely to revisit the roots, but more to investigate what lessons learned we can pick up on. And what our most experienced Kunskapsskolan colleagues envisage for the future. We do this with Stina Jonsson, Kunskapsskolans director of upper secondary education and Marcus Brunberg, Kunskapsskolans head of establishing new schools. Together with Christian Wetell Director of Education at Kunskapsskolan globally and co-host of all KED Talk episodes.