KED Talk
A podcast series brought to you from Stockholm by Kunskapsskolan Education (KED). Reflecting and connecting educators of more than 100 schools that use the KED Program for personalized learning across Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands, India, USA and the Middle East. Working around the globe to personalize each student's education according to their individual needs and abilities. Empowering the students to master the challenges of today and shape the world of tomorrow.
KED Talk
UNESCO: personalized education is a human right!
According to a recent UNESCO report, on which 300 experts from 45 countries have been working since 2019, most parents, teachers, and students in the world demand things from education that personalized learning can provide. The UNESCO report is a global attempt to identify a way forward for education and learning. Concluding that every student learns differently and thus receiving appropriate personalized education should be regarded as a human right.
In this KED Talk we explore the report and its implications. With from New Delhi director Anantha Duraiappah of the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, one of the co-chairs of the UNESCO research project. And from Stockholm Christian Wetell, Director of Education at Kunskapsskolan and a seasoned expert with regard to personalized education in general and the Kunskapsskolan EDucation program in particular.